Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Updates on babies and photos

As of today Lulu's babies are 1 week and 2 days old! They are so playful, they jump all over each other, Lulu, and Licorice has discovered a new trick jumping into the hay boxes. Licorice is a little ham and LOVES attention if you in there she is a little show off. Buttercup is a little more reserved and a little bit shy but very sweet once she warms up to the thought of you being there. 
Little Buttercup


Licorice and Peppercorn are inseparable

Licorices new trick!

Marshmallow and Oreo's babies will be 1 week tomorrow. Peppercorn is the surviving twin and so teeny! She is painfully shy and I can't hardly get a good picture of her on her own. However, she and Licorice ADORE each other and are the best of friends. We will have to sell them together I think because they won't want to leave each other. She is so sweet and is starting to spring around on her legs now. Root Beer Float is a one man show! She has the biggest personality! She is so photogenic and loves the camera! She is so sweet and lovey and loves to use those springy baby goat legs. Since the last post, Oreo and Root Beer were in the crate, we have turned it on it's side to block them from the others but give them space and Root Beer has used that to her full advantage.

These are the best photos I can get of Peppercorn alone

You can see me!

Root Beer Float is so photogenic

Look at this cute Root Beer

Buttercup and Peppercorn thinking mom's food looks better
Root Beer wanted to give mom's food a try too

Licorice left, Peppercorn middle, and Buttercup right
Look how teeny Peppercorn is!

Marshmallow is a new mom! Plus SURPRISE!

January 14th turned out to be an interesting night here and at Red Rock Ranch. Curt had been working crazy and long hours pushing snow for a string of several storms here in Extreme Northern Utah. He was on his way home from work, I had started dinner and I was letting Nakita and Leo out for a bathroom break. The girls were being extra quiet so I went down to go give a quick check. I saw Marshmallow standing with a baby running around her legs! So I ran back to the house got Nakita and Leo back inside, called Curt, shut off the stove, grabbed baby gear and left my phone for Lizzi and McKenna to talk to daddy while I ran back to Marshmallow. I opened the door to the kidding area and there was another baby laying motionless and the other baby running around momma's legs trying to find a teat. I ran the baby back inside and tried to warm her up and revive her.. no such luck she was dead by the time I got to her and I just had wishful thinking of saving her. While I was inside Curt went back to check on Marshmallow she had let the other doeling latch. However he came back to the house breathless telling me Oreo decided to kid as well! I didn't think she was due for another week!
So I ran back outside to help her and make sure everything was ok. Especially since she was with the rest of the herd instead of in the warm kidding area with the other mommas. I asked Curt to call our neighbor and see if she could come be inside with our girls while Curt and I worked out our new situation. Oreo had a little doeling all cleaned off looking for a teat. Oreo had stressed herself out  and was running all around with the afterbirth hanging from her. She also looked exceptionally bloody and I needed to check her. I was worried that it was a kid stuck or something was seriously wrong. So we caught her and her baby got them in the kidding area, Oreo was more interested in eating and continuously cleaning her baby, than letting her baby eat. I was worried we were going to have a bottle baby on our hands. I got Curt to hold Oreo still and I stuck my hand in to feel if there was another baby. She was empty so no baby but she did have a small prolapse, I was able to get it back in and she is healing very well. We tried to hold her still so baby could latch and it just wasn't happening. We needed to get our girls in bed so we left them alone for a while to see if they could figure things out.
We got the girls to bed ate dinner ourselves and tried to relax and not stress about the mommas too much. After we got McKenna in bed I went back out to check on how everyone was doing and Oreo and Marshmallow were having a huge fight. It turns out the Oreo happened to have her baby as well as Marshmallow's behind her and Marshmallow obviously wanted her baby. So I picked up her baby and gave her to her and pushed them apart. That only worked about 60 seconds and they were back at it. I am thinking it's because they were separated and now didn't want the other near their baby. So I called Curt and told him we needed to separate them some how so they didn't squish babies or hurt each other. So trying to do something quickly for the night, so we got the dog crate and put Oreo and her baby in there to protect everyone for the night. Oreo finally let baby latch and I wasn't worried anymore we went to bed in peace.
Meet Marshmallow's baby Peppercorn

Meet Oreo's baby Root Beer Float




Root Beer Float

Root Beer Float

Peppercorn, Buttercup and Licorice

Root Beer Float

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Lulu Lollipop is a new mom!

Lulu had her babies January 11th at 1pm. I had gotten back from visiting some women in town and went out to check on the girls, yet again, Lulu was laying down so I got a closer look and she was pushing a baby out. So I ran back inside grabbed my birthing gear and ran back to her. She pushed first baby out with no issues and started cleaning her immediately a little black and white doe; Licorice looks just like Lulu's mom Lafawnduh. Lulu got up and was cleaning her off some more and I thought it looked like she was still in labor but she was standing acting fine. Then she laid back down and started grunting here was coming number two! She did even better with the second one. Another little girl a little mini version of Lulu. This time Lulu laid there for a while but she seemed to have settled so I was trying to decide if there was a third or if she was done. Sure enough after she cleaned Buttercup off she stood again and there was the afterbirth. She did so well I was so proud and the little babes latched with no problems and Lulu is very attentive. She is such a good mommy and I am so happy with that because she is a little skittish and I wasn't sure how she was going to react about babies but she is perfect. Marshmallow should be kidding within a week as well and I am so excited to see what her babies look like because she is so much lighter than Lulu.

Right after Licorice was born, Marshmallow wanted to help a little

Cleaning off Licorice


Trying to find the teat

Right after Buttercup was born

Cleaning off Buttercup, Licorice still just wants the teat

Final cleaning of Buttercup, Licorice still trying to find somewhere to eat

Snuggles before mom stands up

Buttercup trying out her legs

Buttercup and Licorice

Licorice figured it out, Buttercup is in the wrong area 

Mom checking out babies and Marshmallow trying to get my attention because she was feeling left out

This is Lafawnduh, Lulu and Marshmallows mom. Licorice's look a like

the cute fluffy family



Lizzi with Licorice

Lulu making sure everything is on the up and up

Lizzi wanted to pet Buttercup


Licorice snuggled in snoozing

Buttercup taking her snoozing turn

Introduction/About Us


Thank you for your interest in our business and our lives. We have just begun as a breeding business and have successful bred and sold our first litter of Pure-Bred Border Collie pups this past summer 2015. We are anxious for what this year brings as we have grown to five dogs and have the possible combination of  three mixed breeds and one purebred breed.  We are anxious to see how our first litter of Pomsky puppies turn out, our Husky (Nakita) should be coming into heat in the next few months and we are anxiously awaiting her cycle. We also have our Nigerian Dwarf/Pygmy mix goats. All 6 of our females are bred and will be kidding January through April.

I will begin with a little bit about our family and then introduce our animals. My name is Aerika Newman my husband Curtis and I were married in March of 2011. We met in high school but didn't date much, we reconnected about 3 years later and decided to give us a try. The rest is history we fell in love quickly and were married within 10 months of reconnecting. We moved to Logan from Salt Lake for Curtis to go to USU to get his bachelors in business management. He graduated December 2014 and we have loved him being finished. We had our first child, a daughter, Lizzi in May of 2014, we were so happy we had been trying for a few years for children and couldn't believe we finally had a human baby to love. 6 months later we were shocked to find out we were expecting again! Although very unexpected we were very happy. We had our second child, another daughter, McKenna born in August of 2015. We love our little family and we want nothing more than to instill in our daughters the joy and sense of pride that comes from working with your hands and with animals. So we have started our breeding business to help them learn to care for animals, learning responsibility, and teaching money management along the way.

Totally pathetic but this is the only picture I have of all of us. McKenna was only 3 weeks old, she is now nearly 5 months.

First I will introduce our dogs; we have 3 border collies, 2 females and one male. Rose(Rosie) and Daisy are our females, Axle is our male. Rosie will be two in March, Daisy will be one in May and Axle will be 3 in August. Axle and Rosie had their first litter June 23, 2015, 3 pups one female and two males. They were healthy and strong and Rosie was a wonderful mother, they all found their forever homes in August a week before I had our second daughter. We let Rosie rest her fall heat cycle and will be breeding her on her spring cycle again this year. We are also watching for when Daisy will go into heat and decide if she is ready to bred her first cycle or if she needs to wait until her second cycle. After we sold Rosie's pups we studded Axle to a friend's female. She had 8 pups 3 females and 5 males. Dogs only have heat cycles every 6 months so it is very important for us to keep close track of their cycles. We also have our Husky Nakita and Pomeranian Leo who will be our first generation Pomsky parents. If all goes well we will be looking into possibly getting an additional husky to bred two litters of Pomsky's.
Rosie on the left, Axle on the right

Rosie on the left Axle on the right
Daisy the day we brought her home.
The three of them together
Daisy showing natural instinct 
Daisy and Axle working together. Rosie was in her fall cycle and was shut away.

Rosie with her first litter
Rosie and Axles Pups
Rosie and Axle's Pups left is Howl(male), middle Shasta(female), and right is Tank(male)
Rosie and Axle's Pups left is Howl(male), middle Shasta(female), and right is Tank(male)
Shasta (female)
Shasta at 6 months old with her new family.
Shasta at 6 months old with her new family.

Tank at 6 months old with his new family.
Tank at 6 months old with his new family.
Howl (male)
Howl at 6 months old with his new family.
Howl at 6 months old with his new family.

One of Axles pups he studded (not Rosie's)

One of Axles pups he studded (not Rosie's)

One of Axles pups he studded (not Rosie's)

Leo one year old Pomeranian 

Nakita 3.5 year old husky

Nakita 3.5 year old husky

Leo and Nakita having a snow day 

Fetch time!

Everyone wants the ball

Axle for the win!

Our first daughter Lizzi with Leo

Nakita says if I fits I sits doesn't only apply to cats.

Next we have our goats; we have two bucks and six does. Our two bucks are BB Jones (BB stands for Big Boy) and Flash Gordon Junior (his father was Flash Gordon because he is so flashy!). Our does are Lulu Lollipop and her sister Marshmallow, Oreo, S'more, Cookies and Cream (formerly Chloe), and Snickerdoodle (formerly Annabelle).  We have had Marshmallow and Lulu since February of 2014 they are sisters. We had their mom (Lafawnduh) for a little bit as well but sold her once the girls were weaned. We got S'more, Oreo and Gordy June of 2014. We got BB August of 2015 and Cookies and Cream and Snickerdoodle in October of 2015. All girls were successfully bred this fall. Lulu and Marshmallow are due first. Oreo should kid in February and S'more should kid end of February beginning of March. Snickerdoodle should kid end of March beginning of April and Cookies and Cream should kid in April. We are going to be swimming in babies and we couldn't be more excited.
Oreo likes the trash can lid

Lafawnduh, Lulu Lollipop and Marshmallows mom 
Flash Gordon Junior

Lafawnduh, Lulu Lollipop and Marshmallow


Oreo and S'more


Lulu Lollipop

Oreo and S'more

Flash Gordon Junior

Oreo and Marshmallow

Gordy on the lid, S'more not paying attention, Marshmallow and Oreo on the side and Lulu up front

Lulu thinking about taking the lid from Gordy

Gordy and Marshmallow



S'more and Oreo saying hello to Lizzi

Cookies and Cream


BB Jones

Hiding from the rain thinking they might melt 

Gordy Marshmallow and Lulu

Oreo and S'more trying to sneak food

Goaties interested in Lizzi

S'more says what are you doing?

BB, Snickerdoodle and cookies and cream


Gordy and Lulu

Gordy, Marshmallow, Lulu and Oreo


BB and Cookies and Cream

The whole herd.